Maintain the squeegee support (1) slightly lifted from the floor.
Insert the threaded parts of the two knobs (2) making them slide
inside the two slots present on the support. Pay attention to put
the washers (3) into position, they are two for each knob, so that
they are assembled one under and the other on top of the two
slots present on the support.
Block the squeegee by rotating the two knobs (2) clockwise.
Insert the squeegee hose (4) into its coupling, respecting its
position as indicated in the figure.
In order to have a perfect drying result through the squeegee, the
rear rubber must have the lower bending uniformly adjusted in all its
length. For the adjustment, it is necessary to put oneself in working
condition and therefore the suction motor has to be switched on and
the brushes have to function together with the detergent solution.
The bending is not uniform
Adjust the squeegee inclination rotating counterclockwise the knob
(1) to increase the bending in the central part, or clockwise to
increase the bending on the extremities.
Height adjustment
Once that the squeegee inclination has been adjusted, it is necessary
to fix this optimum condition making touch slightly the wheels onto
the floor. Release the wheels rotating counterclockwise the register
(2), rotate the register (3) to raise or to lower the wheels until the
desired bending is reached.
At the end block again the wheels through the register (2).
The two splash guards have to be assembled onto the brushes base
group as indicated in the following figures. Insert the metal strips
inside the suitable slots present on the rubber.
Fix the ends of the strip to the screw (1).
Lock the lever (2) to the ring placed at the free end of the meal strip.
These operations have to be done for both the splash guards. With
the brushes assembled, the splash guards must slightly touch the
To disassemble the splash guards do the same operations contrariwise.
To assemble the brushes it is necessary that the brushes base is in the
lifted position. If it is not lifted, proceed as follows:
Without the operator seated, turning the key switch clockwise, the
display comes on and after 3 seconds all working groups come off
automatically and are lifted from the floor.
Switch off the machine turning the key counterclockwise.
With the brushes base group in lifted position lock the brushes
rotating them as in the picture below.
For a longer life of the brushes we suggest to invert daily their
position. Whenever brushes result to be deformed we suggest to
reassemble them in the same position, in order to avoid that the
different inclination of the bristles causes excessive motor overload
or troublesome vibrations.