Model: CDSC-02
B. Administrative Mode
You may enter Administrative mode with Cipher Drive SC.
In this mode, you can change the Admin PIN and/or initialize a
Addonics smart card so as to use it with Cipher Drive SC.
Additional Addonics smart cards may be purchased from
Addonics. You will need a supported Addonics smart card, and
knowledge of the Admin PIN to enter the mode.
The default factory Admin PIN is “
To exit Administrative Mode, reconnect the USB cable.
Smart Card Initialization
To initialize a smart card, follow these steps:
1. Insert new smart card into Cipher Drive SC.
2. The Error LED will light up indicating an invalid card has been
inserted. Ignore the LED.
3. Press the Admin button and press Enter. The Status LED will
blink three times.
4. Enter the 8-digit Admin PIN and press Enter. The Status LED
will blink three times and there will be two „beep‟ sounds if the
correct PIN was entered.
5. Cipher Drive SC will proceed to initialize the smart card to be
used with that particular Cipher Drive SC unit.
Once a new smart card is initialized, you will need to
repartition/reformat any existing drive, as the encryption key will
be different. The existing data in the drive will be unreadable with
the new card.
Change Admin PIN
The Admin PIN provides a layer of protection around your Cipher
Drive SC unit to deter others from unauthorized usage of your
Cipher Drive SC. It is recommended that you change the default
factory Admin PIN to another one that only you know.
To change your Admin PIN, follow these steps:
1. Insert the smart card into Cipher Drive SC.
Press the Change Pin button, followed by the „0‟ button.
3. Press Enter. The Status LED will blink three times.
4. Enter the current 8-digit Admin PIN and press Enter. The
Status LED blinks twice to notify that you may press the new
Admin PIN.
5. Enter the new 8-digit Admin PIN and press Enter. The Status
LED blinks twice to notify that you may press the confirmed
new Admin PIN.
6. Enter the new confirmed 8-digit Admin PIN and press Enter.
7. The Status LED will blink three times and there will be two
„beep‟ sounds if the PIN change is successful.
If you have mistyped your PIN, press the Esc key at any time to
restart the entire authentication process.
Technical Support
(8:30 am to 6:00 pm PST)
Phone: 408 453-6212