Further information
If you experience problems when installing or using the X-Series USB extender
modules, please check through this section for a possible solution. If your
problem is not listed here and you cannot resolve the issue, then please refer to
the ‘Getting assistance’ section.
Video image at the REMOTE module is distorted or shadows appear to
the right of displayed objects.
Video compensation is required to adjust for the length of the link cable being
used. If video problems persist:
• Please refer to the
Video signal boost
• If the overall video image is ‘fuzzy’ and/or has coloured shadows you may
need to use the optional X-Series Skew Compensator (part number: X-SC).
This standalone passive module allows you to finely tune the red, green and
blue video signal timings (each of which is fed along separate twisted pairs)
to overcome most colour separation problems.
No video image is received at the REMOTE module.
• Check that the power/activity indicators are lit on the LOCAL and REMOTE
modules - if they are not, then there is a power problem.
• If the REMOTE module is severely over compensated, the monitor may not
be able to display a picture. Try using a small flat-bladed screwdriver to turn
the recessed dial anti-clockwise to reduce the video compensation. See the
Video signal boost
section for details.
• Check that the USB + VIDEO link cable (Category 5 or higher) is wired
correctly. See the
section for details.
• If possible, try using an alternative USB + VIDEO link cable between the
• Temporarily disconnect the video link to the LOCAL module, connect a
monitor directly to the computer video port and check for a correct video
image output.
Sound from the microphone cannot be heard or is very quiet
• Try changing the setting of REMOTE module switch 1 to ON.
USB devices work intermittently or not at all
• Check that the link cables do not exceed 100 metres in length (including
patch boxes). Longer cable runs will induce errors that disturb USB
• If possible, try a different link cable to see whether operation returns to
• Minimise close contact of the link cables with other cables or devices
carrying high voltages. Such sources can induce interference into the link
Power is applied via the power supply but REMOTE module operation
has stopped.
• Each module has an internal automatic cut-out fuse to protect against
power surges. To reset, remove power from the module for one second and
then reconnect. To reset an unpowered LOCAL module, remove and then
replace the USB connection. See the
Power surge fuses
section for details.
Getting assistance
If you are still experiencing problems after checking the list of solutions in the
Troubleshooting section then we provide a number of other solutions:
Adder Technology website
Check the Support section of our website for the latest solutions.
in the UK:
01954 780081
in the US:
+1 888 275 1117
in the UK:
01954 780044
in the US:
+1 888 275 3337