Audio connections
Audio connections are available at the two 3.5” jack sockets mounted on the
side (same side as the switch bank) of the REMOTE module.
Note: When the REMOTE module is rack mounted, audio connections must
be made after the module has been fixed in place. Access is required to the
rear and above the rack. Remember to remove any audio connections before
attempting to slide out the REMOTE module.
1 Make the required audio connections according to the corresponding
connection(s) at the LOCAL module.
• Microphone connections are made to the REMOTE module socket
• Speaker connections are made to the REMOTE module socket
Note: The REMOTE module provides a signal boost feature to assist with
unresponsive microphones. See
Microphone signal boost
for details.
Link connection(s)
Links between the REMOTE and LOCAL modules are made via one (or two)
twisted pair cables, specified to Category 5 or higher. Ensure that the total
twisted pair cable length for each connection (including patch boxes) does not
exceed 100 metres.
• When extending only video and USB, only a single link cable is required.
• When extending video, USB and audio signals, two link cables are required.
Video and USB link cable
1 Insert the connector from the
primary twisted pair cable link
into the REMOTE module socket
marked ‘USB + VIDEO’.
Audio link cable
Required only when using microphone
and/or speakers.
1 Insert the connector from the
secondary twisted pair cable
link into the REMOTE module
socket marked ‘AUDIO’.