Infinity browser-based configuration utility
T use the br wser-based c n guratb n utblbtr, lbn a c m⁸uter vba
a netw r swbtch t the ALIF unbt (Gbgabbt Ethernet bs n t essentbal
f r the c n guratb n stage). Thbs c n guratb n utblbtr all ws r u t
⁸erf rm all f the f ll wbng functb ns:
! Vbew/edbt the IP netw r address and netmas ,
! C n gure se⁸arate IP netw r addresses f r vbde , audb and USB,
! C n gure multbcast settbngs ( n RX unbts),
! C n gure vbde bandwbdth settbngs ( n TX unbts),
! Vbew the current vbde ut⁸ut ( n TX unbts),
! Perf rm a rmware u⁸grade,
! Perf rm a fact rr reset.
To access the browser-based configuration utility
1 C nnect the In nbtr unbt and a c m⁸uter vba a netw r .
2 Run a web br wser n r ur c m⁸uter and enter the IP address f
the In nbtr unbt, e.g. or
The default settbngs are as f ll ws:
TX units
- IP address:
Netmas :
RX units
- IP address:
Netmas :
Note: Where the address of a unit is not known, perform a
manual factory reset (see left) to restore the default address.
TX (transmitter) unit configuration
In the ALIF srstem, the m st bm⁸ rtant c n guratb n detabls are
dbctated br RX unbts. Thus, the TX unbt setu⁸ bs c ncerned nlr wbth
three mabn fact rs:
! Its IP address,
! The data streams t enable/dbsable, and
! Vbde sbgnal ⁸tbmb atb n.
The meth d t set the IP address and data streams bs exactlr the
same as f r the RX unbt - ⁸lease f ll w ste⁸s 1 t 3 f
the RX unit
sectb n n the rear ⁸age. In a Gbgabbt Ethernet netw r
wbth suf cbent bandwbdth, changes t the
Video Configuration
sh uld n t be necessarr. If ad ustments are requbred, ⁸lease see the
AdderLbn In nbtr full user gubde f r detabls.
RX (receiver) unit configuration
Please see the rear ⁸age.