The VNC port: Initial configuration
This section deals with the initial configuration of the VNC port of the ALIF 2112T unit.
For details about the main System and Teaming ports, please
see here
The default IP address of the VNC port is
; it is possible to change this
either through the VNC viewer or via the
TX System Configuration
Initial connection to the VNC port
Configuration of the VNC port section of the ALIF 2112T is carried out via a network,
using a VNC Viewer program running on a computer or mobile device. VNC Viewers are
available for most computers, tablets and smartphones.
• If you already have a VNC viewer, please follow the Initial configuration instructions
given on the next page.
• If you do not already have a VNC viewer, there are three options:
• You can download a Windows VNC Viewer from the ALIF 2112T itself.
• You can download the latest VNC Viewers for most operating systems via the
RealVNC website, or for tablets and smartphones from the appropriate app store.
• Without downloading anything, you can run a Java version of the VNC Viewer inside
your web browser.
To download a Windows VNC Viewer from the ALIF 2112T unit
Note: The version of VNC supplied within the ALIF 2112T supports virtual media.
1 Connect the ALIF 2112T to an IP network where a suitable computer is available on
the same subnet (please see the Installation chapter for connection details).
2 On that computer, open an internet browser and enter the default local IP address
used by the ALIF 2112T:
The ALIF 2112T welcome screen
should be displayed:
3 Click the link ‘Download the Windows VNC Viewer from unit’.
4 Once the file is downloaded, run it and follow the on screen instructions to open a
VNC connection to the ALIF 2112T. (The VNC Viewer is a single executable file which
does not require an ‘installation’ step. Simply put the file in a suitable place (such as the
Desktop) and run it from there.)
Note on viewers
The windows VNC viewer supplied by the unit is 4.4.3se4. On the Real VNC website you
will find later viewers V5. The V5 viewers support a newer 256 bit encryption technique.
However, Virtual media functionality is not supported in V5 viewer.
To download a VNC Viewer
To download a (free) VNC Viewer for a desktop or notebook computer, visit the
download page of the RealVNC website:
To download a VNC Viewer app for a tablet or smartphone, visit the Apple or Android
app store, or look at the RealVNC website (
) for further information.
To use the Java VNC Viewer
1 Connect the ALIF 2112T to an IP network where a suitable computer is available on
the same subnet (please see the Installation chapter for connection details).
2 On that computer, open an internet browser and enter the default IP address used by
the ALIF 2112T:
The ALIF 2112T welcome screen should be displayed (as shown left).
3 Click the link Connect using built-in Java VNC Viewer. The Java viewer will load and run
inside the browser. For more details see
Appendix I - Java viewer options