Copyright Adcon RF Technology 2002
LC-Ind Modems Technical Manual
Rev: 1.0
Page: 22
4.3 Register description
LC-Ind modems can offer several possible configurations, using a set of parameters. Those
parameters are located in registers and have a default value. This value can be modified or consulted
through Hayes commands or via the MTC Workbench. The modems’ parameters are stored in the
EEPROM and can therefore be changed up to 10,000 times and be available when switching on the
modem. The registers are listed below:
Radio Link
R/W S200
channel N°
Indicates on which channel the modem is operating.
Included between ‘0’ and ‘9’.
Default value: 0
R/W S210
Indicates the serial link transmission rate:
‘1’: 1200 Baud
'2': 2400 Bauds
'3': 4800 Bauds
'4': 9600 Bauds (Default value)
'5': 19200 Bauds (40 bytes frames max.)
'6': 38400 Bauds (40 bytes frames max.)
Data Length
Indicates the number of data bits on the serial link
'7': 7 bits.
'8': 8 bits (Default value)
R/W S212
Indicates the parity on the serial link:
'1': None (Default value)
'2': Odd
'3': Even
Number of stop bits
Indicates the number of stop bits on the serial link
'1': 1 bit (Default value)
'2': 2 bits
Time Out
Indicates the value of the time-out on the serial link, in ms.
Included between 1 and 255.
Default value: 5 ms
R/W S216
Status format during
scanning (*)
Status can be delivered as a binary value or ASCII characters when
answering a scanning:
'0': Binary value is returned (Default value)
'1': ASCII character is returned
Scanning on channel x
Channel N° X (0 to 9) scanning during a selected time multiplied by 10
ms. eturn value is the occupation rate in % of the channel.
ATS235=20<CR>, stands for a scanning on channel 5 during 20x10 =
200 ms, return value could be :
"=100 " if busy time is 200 ms,(i.e : 100%)
"= 50 " if busy time is 100 ms , (i.e : 50%)
Scanning all channels
Scans all radio channels, from 0 to 9. For each channel the analysis time
is the given value multiplied by 10 ms.
In ASCII mode the modem answers :
"100;020;000;005;000;000;000;000;000;010" where each figure
separated by ";" represents the occupation rate of a channel, the No.0
(on the left part) to No.9 (on the right part).
In binary Mode, the Modem answers
"=xdy0d00x00" for which each binary character is the occupation rate
of each channel.
Permanent scanning
Same as order S240 but the channel scanning is permanent. After
scanning 10 channels, the modem transmits the result and starts
immediately a new scanning.
Scanning stops after reception of any character on the serial line .
(*) Scanning = status of the radio activity as noise or data, in the selected channel