3.5.4. Use of the
"Terminal" or "HyperTerminal" Software
The Demo Kit or the B900ss-20 radio modules can also be handled from a Windows "HyperTerminal" or
"Terminal" type communication software.
The software has to be configured, in order to communicate at 19200 Baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit through a
Serial link. To start with a correct configuration for HyperTerminal and Terminal, the following directories are
"B900-CM1.ht" for "HyperTerminal" on COM1.
"B900-CM2.ht" for "HyperTerminal" on COM2.
"B900-CM1.trm" for "Terminal" on COM1.
"B900-CM2.trm" for "Terminal" on COM2.
In this case, if your modems have already been configured and already been "Acquired", you can send data
frames with these software immediately. Otherwise, refer to Chapter 4 (Advanced Operation) to know how to use
the Registers.