8230E Optical Power Meter Operation Manual
4.7 Sample Programs
Sample Programs
This section shows examples of program that control the instrument.
Compatible PC:
Manufactured by Fujitsu FMV - 6667ML6c Windows98SE
ADC Instruments USB Driver
Standard module:
ausb.bas which is included in the ADC Instruments USB Driver.
Compatible language: MS-EXCEL2000 VBA
Program Example 1
Acquires the measurement data for the specified number of times. Press
for the specified num-
ber of times after pressing
Figure 4-2 Measurement Image
Program list
Option Explicit
'All variables are clearly declared.
Private Const OK As Integer = 0
'Defines OK.
Dim enterF As Integer
'ENTER input flag
Sub Starts to acquire the measurement data in the specified number of times ().
'Subroutine for the START button on the
Dim OPM1 As Long
'USB handle
Dim myID As Long
'MYID which is set in OPM
Dim ret As Long
'Driver return value
Dim mcnt As Integer
'Specified number of times in which the
data is acquired.
Dim cnt As Integer
'Number of times in which the data is
Dim row As Integer
'Display row of the measurement data