12701A Test Fixture Operation Manual
Precautions for Handling 12701A
To operate the 12701A correctly and safety, please observe the following instructions. Note that ADC Cor-
poration bears absolutely no responsibility for the result of operations caused due to incorrect or inappro-
priate use of this instrument.
Please observe the following instructions to prevent danger such as electric shock:
Always use the safety mechanism of the 12701A that allows and stops voltage application by opening
and closing the cover. (Connect the LID SIGNAL of the 12701A and the INTERLOCK or LID SIG-
NAL of the measuring instrument using a cable.
Ground the 12701A before use.
Do not touch the test box while voltage is being applied.
When the HI OUTPUT of the 6245, 6246 (Bch), 6242 or 6244 and the FORCE/SENSE 1 to 8 on the
rear panel of the 12701A are connected, and the relay terminal DG 1 to 8 and the TEST BOX GUARD
are connected, the test box and DG will become the same potential, and the maximum voltage of the
HI OUTPUT may occur on the test box.
When placing or removing DUT, check chat no voltage applied to the 12701A.
Close the cover during measurement to perform accurate measurement.
The cover has a shielded, light-shielded and safety structure.
Watch out for vibration to perform accurate measurement.
The vibration of a cable or fixture during low current (1 pA or lower) measurement may cause varia-
tion in measured values.
Check that the voltage or current applied to the 12701A is within the maximum input voltage or cur-
rent range.
Note that the operating temperature range varies depending on the maximum input current.
Use the test box A04509with the average current value for a second of 1 A or less. The maximum in-
put current value for DC is 1 A. For pulse, the average current value for a second that is obtained by
the following formula should be 1 A or less.
Average current = Input current value (up to 20 A peak) × Pulse width / Pulse cycle
e.g. When the input current value is 20 A and the pulse cycle is 1 s, the pulse width should be 50 ms
or less. When the input current value is 20 A and the pulse cycle is 10 ms, the pulse width should
be 0.5 ms or less.
When connecting a measuring instrument with the 12701A
For how to handle the measuring instrument, refer to its operation manuals.
Ground the measuring instrument before use.
When using the R8340 or 8340A as measuring instrument, short-circuit the LO and the GND.