Pulse or cuff The pressure in the cuff is too high
(over 299 mmHg) or the pulse is too high
(over 200 beats per minute). Relax for 5 minutes
and repeat the measurement.
Pulse too low The pulse is too low (less than 40 beats per
minute). Relax for 5 minutes and repeat the
Error Messages and Troubleshooting
If an error occurs during a measurement, the measurement is interrupted, and a
corresponding error code is displayed, example
<Err 3>
Error No. Description Possible cause(s) / Solutions
Err 1
Signal too weak The pulse signals on the cuff are too weak.
Reposition the cuff and repeat the measurement.
Err 2
Error Signal During the measurement, error signals were
detected by the cuff, caused for instance by
movement or muscle tension. Repeat
measurement, keeping arm still.
Err 3
Abnormal cuff An adequate pressure cannot be generated in the
pressure cuff. A leak may have occurred.
Check that the cuff is correctly connected and is
not too loose. Replace the batteries, if necessary.
Repeat the measurement.
Err 5
Abnormal result The measuring signals are inaccurate, and no
result can therefore be displayed. Read through
the checklist for performing reliable measurements
on pages 25-26. Repeat the measurement.