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2.3.5 Base Installation
To prepare the base for installation of the light fixtures, perform the following procedure:
1. See Figure 2. Connect the primary power line to the appropriate L-830 isolation
transformer (7). Refer to Table 4 for the appropriate transformer.
Use a brick to raise the isolation transformer so that it is about 3 inches (76.2 mm)
above the bottom surface of the L-867 base plate (5) to avoid the possibility of the
transformer being partially immersed in water in case water accumulates under the level
of the ducts or pipes.
2. After you have connected the transformer, check the continuity of the series loop.
3. Wrap the connector joints in the primary circuit with at least one layer of rubber or
synthetic rubber tape and one layer of plastic tape one-half lapped, extending at least 1-
1/2 inches (3.81 mm) on each side of the joint.
4. Clamp the female secondary plug from the L-830 transformer to the L-867 base plate
retainer clamp.
5. Bolt the base plate (5) with the base plate gasket to the L-867 base using six 3/8
stainless steel bolts. Apply a drop of Loctite Grade AV to each bolt thread and use a
torque wrench to torque bolts to 100 inch-pounds (11.3 Nt-m).