Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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The RUN 3 screen
When the mass or masses are mounted you want to check the job. The screen is very similar to RUN 1 screen.
Make the measurement or manually enter the values.
amplitude of RUN1
is the reduction of balancing in % (the 1.1mm/s is the 9.2% of 12.5 mm/s according to rounding)
balancing quality factor according ISO 1940 (mass of rotor and radius of balancing required)
Trim Screens
After RUN3 measurement you can continue (press down arrow) with the job when you are not satisfied with the
results. These next steps do not required trial mass measurements already. After each measurement the next
mass (masses) is recommended. The trim screens are very similar to screens described beyond.
The recommended trim mass is displayed. After the mounting press the down arrow.
The TRIM 1 screen appears. It is the same screen as RUN 3 screen. Run the measurement or enter the values.
Then the new results, effect and quality value are displayed.
Press the down arrow and continue with TRIM 2 in same way as with TRIM 1. You can use how many trims you
want. But when after trim the result is not better (or even is worse) the next trims has not sense.
Dual plane balancing
RUN 1 screen
The screen is divided to two parts. The left part corresponds to plane 1 and right to plane 2.
If you use only one sensor, then only one part is active. The non-active part is grey and contains un-sharpened
image. Mount the sensor to the active plane point and start the measurement. Corresponding bearing house is
red colored. The results appear in the bottom. Use the right/left arrow button to move the active focus. Make the
same for the second plane.
With two sensors you make both plane measurements together at once.
You can also use the Edit button, when you want to enter the values manually. Use the Tab for shift between
Then the screen should look like next picture.