Unpacking and Initial Setup
Power Supply Insertion
Power supplies are housed in device carriers (with a black ejection button) to
allow for easy insertion. The power supply is designed for hot swappable opera-
Installing a Power Supply
For tower Storage Array models orient the power supply carrier so that the
LEDs are on the left and the ejection button is on the right (for rackmount
systems the LEDs and button are on the top and bottom respectively).
Insert the power supply carrier into either bay 7 or bay 8 of the shelf (see
Figure 2-3).
Insert the carrier key into the keyhole on the bottom right corner of the
power supply. Turn the key to the left and hold it there. Then depress and
hold the ejection button in, and while holding the button in slide the power
supply carrier into the bay until you feel the power supply engage the back-
plane. Release the ejection button and turn the key to the right. If the button
is not fully protruded, apply additional pressure to the front of the carrier
until it is.
Disk Drive Carrier Insertion
Disk drives are housed in hot-swappable device carriers (with a gray ejection but-
ton) to allow for easy insertion.
Installing a Disk Drive
For tower Storage Array models orient the disk drive carrier so that the
LEDs are on the left and the ejection button is on the right (for rackmount
systems the LEDs and button are on the top and bottom respectively).
Insert the disk drive carrier into any of the bays 0 through 6 (see Figure 2-3).
Insert the carrier key into the keyhole on the bottom right corner of the disk
drive carrier. Turn the key to the left and hold it there. Then depress and hold
the ejection button in, and while holding the button in, slide the disk drive
carrier into the bay until you feel the disk drive engage the backplane.
Release the ejection button and turn the key to the right.