Manual S4A - page of 1
Manual S4A - page of 1
You will lose room information!
Not so:
More recommendations:
• No obstacles in the way from the sound to your ears. You should be able to see
the speaker completely.
• Distance to the walls should be at least 40 cm to avoid early reflections,
which will „smear“ the sound in time.
• Tweeter should be positioned approximately at the height of your ears.
• When you start listening keep all panel settings in their original linear position.
You should listen to various recordings first, where only little or no equalisation
or dynamic correction has been applied. After some experience you will be
better prepared to adapt to the room acoustic.
If you have to send your speaker to any other location, it is of vital interest to have
the original packaging materials as experience shows that it is very difficult to avoid
damages if you have to send them without these. We will not be responsible for
damages due to improper packaging.
Have fun ...
We very much hope that you enjoy your new monitors and their unique transducer
design. If there are questions, please do not hesitate to contact us - we will be
happy to advise you.
The ADAM people.