Manual S4A - page of 1
Manual S4A - page of 1
ADAM Studio Monitors are built to a maximum in reproduction quality and
perfection. To enjoy the capabilties of your new speakers please read the
following hints and considerations, as the positioning and the acoustical pro-
perties of the control room often play a bigger role than you might think.
or so:
General recommendations for the set up:
• The speakers should be positioned on firm ground or a stand as vibrating parts
of nearby objects can mask the sound.
• It is normally advised to set them up in the horizontal position.
A and B speakers
• There are 2 types of S4A´s. One of the units stops at 150 Hz, like a built in sub-
woofer, the other one goes up to 1800 Hz. You find an A or B label on the
backside of the monitors. The A indicates that the subwoofer is on the left side
if you look at the unit from a listening position, the subwoofer of the B speaker
is located on the right side. If you use A as the left speaker, then you have a
subjectively smaller basis. If you use it as the right speaker the basis will be
somewhat broader. There is no rule or fixed proposal when or where the spea-
kers sound better, please try it out by yourself.
• Don´t use 2 A-speakers or 2 B-speakers in a stereo set up, the imaging will
• If the speakers are in a vertical position - as indicated below - please position
both panels either outside or inside. You will get the most linear frequency
response from different listening positions that way. Similar results you get from
the two other possible configurations, all showed in the following pictures: