© Adam Equipment Company 2019
Zero the scale by pressing the
key if necessary. The indicator
” will be ON.
Place a container on the platform and its weight will be displayed.
to tare the scale. Once the scale stabilises, it will display the net
weight and the NET sign will be displayed.
As a product is added, only the weight of the product will be shown. The scale
could be tared a second time if another type of product was to be added to the first
one. Again only the weight that is added after taring will be displayed.
When the container is removed a negative value will be shown. If the scale was
tared just before removing the container, this value is the gross weight of the
container plus all products those were removed. The indicator “
” will also be
ON because the platform is back to the same condition as it was when the
key was pressed last.
6.2.1 Preset tare
When the scale/ platform is empty, press the
key on the indicator, the display will
now show
. Enter the weight value of the container, then press the
Now, Pre-set Tare is complete.
The User mode function to operate the
“Pre-set tare”
is to set
, the scale can perform
a pre-set tare when there is a weight on the scale.
Operation is as follows:
Place the container on the scale/ platform then enter the weight value of the container and
press the
key. When the container is removed from the platform, the weight display
on the indicator will show a negative sign. Press the
key to clear the pre-tare value
and the weight display will reset to zero, the icon adjacent to the NET symbol will now
When the pan is empty, press
key, the display will show
“P - TARE”
. Input the
weight of the container, press
key, Pre-tare complete. User can set follow function
ON or OFF in F5 PTE: