Power Pins
GND - Common power/logic ground.
3.3V - Power supply for the ublox WiFi module. You'll need up to 250mA to
power the module. ItsyBitsy's tend to have a 500mA regulator so they should be
OK, just make sure you're aware of your power budget
SPI and Control Pins
To keep transfers speedy, we use SPI not UART Serial. UART is too slow and hard to
synchronize. This uses more pins but the experience is much better!
Classic SPI Pins:
SCK - SPI Clock from your microcontroller, logic level is 3.3V only
MISO - SPI Data from the AirLift to the microcontroller, logic level is 3.3V only. Th
is is tri-stated when not selected, so you can share the SPI bus with other
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