Na�e and �odel of the product ________________________________________________
Serial nu�ber ________________date of sale_______________________
Na�e of co��ercial organization _____________________sta�p of co��ercial organization
Warranty period for the instru�ent explotation is 12 �onths after the date of original retail purchase. It extends to the equip�ent, i�ported
on the RF territory by oficial i�porter.
During this warranty period the owner of the product has the right for free repair of his instru�ent in case of �anufacturing defects.
Warranty is valid only with original warranty card, fully and clear illed (sta�p or �ark of thr seller is obligatory).
Technical exa�ination of instru�ents for fault identiication which is under the warranty, is �ade only in the authorized service center.
In no event shall �anufacturer be liable before the client for direct or consewuential da�ages, loss of proit or any other da�age which
occur in the result of the instru�ent outage.
Current legislation, particularly Federal law of the Russian Federation “Protection of consu�ers” and Civil code of the Russian Federation
part II page 452-491, is the legal base of warranty.
The product is received in the state of operability, without any visible da�ages, in full co�pleteness. It is tested in �y presence. I have no
co�plaints to the product quality. I a� fa�iliar with the conditions of qarranty service and i agree.
purchaser signature _______________________________
Before operating you should read service instruction!
If you have any questions about the warranty service and technical support contact seller of this product