The totalization procedure allows individual weighing pieces to be summed to a total.
User can select from two available formulation modes i.e. Manual totalization and auto
Maximum no of weights that can be summed is 99.
Individual weights an be added into summation only if the added pieces is greater
than 2, this is indicated by “ ” symbol.
6.7.1 Manual Totalization
Manual totalization presupposes that you have selected the 'F tot' in the user menu.
Place the empty container on the pan.
Press the <TARE> key briefly to tare the balance.
Press the <TOGGLE> key briefly until “
” is displayed on the display.
Your balance now needs the weight of a reference number.
Press and hold the <TOGGLE> key until you are prompted to load the reference pieces.
Store component pieces with
• Display zeroed automatically after value is stored, and
• Automatic printout (print application parameters)
• Of the last added pieces and
• Of the total number of pieces.
Clear component memory when weighing series is canceled by pressing CANCEL key
Your balance suggests the last set reference no. as the reference number.
You can accept this suggestion or select one of the other reference numbers available
(5, 10, 20, 50, 100 pieces) by briefly pressing the <TOGGLE> key.
Now place the selected number of reference pieces on the pan.
When you have placed exactly the same number of pieces on the weighing pan as
selected reference pieces press TARE key.
As soon as the weighing result is stable, the calculated average piece weight is
accepted as the reference.
Add weight on the pan. Weight can be added to summation when “ ” is
displayed on the display i.e. when number of pieces is greater than 2.
Press the <CAL> key to store the weight, the balance displays “
” indicating that 1
weight is stored. The weight is tared automatically and simultaneously print command is
E.g. if 20.0000 gm and the reference is selected as 5, the printer output is as follows
nRef 5 pcs
wRef 4 g
N1 + 5 pcs
Tot + 5 pcs
Further addition of weights will give the following output (addition of 10.0000 gm).
N2 + 2 pcs
Tot + 7 pcs
To view the total weight, press the CAL and NEXT key together. The print command is
given automatically
N 2
Tot + 7 pcs
6.7 Totalization