Operating Information
The ACVMax Boiler Management System is designed to be flexible yet easy to use. ACVMax mon-
itors and controls the Prestige to operate as efficiently as possible. ACVMax monitors the boiler sup-
ply, return and flue gas temperatures and operates the igniter, gas valve and blower. ACVMax uses
this information to modulate the boiler’s firing rate to maintain the required setpoint.
ACVMax offers many advanced control options, which may be adjusted for various applications to
achieve optimum boiler efficiency and operation.
• Two central / space heating (CH) call inputs with separate outdoor reset curves.
• Two temperature central/space heating (CH) temperature control via optional mixing valve.
• Domestic Hot Water (DHW) call input with optional priority.
• System temperature sensing and control with an optional system temperature sensor.
• Cascade function allows up to six Prestige boilers to operate together in a single heating system.
• Modbus interface for integrating with building management systems.
These advanced features are adjustable in the Installer Menu after entering an access code.
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