DHW Settings
taneous domestic hot water and central heating calls are present. The
DHW circulator will be enabled during a domestic hot water call.
The heating circulators will be enabled during a central heating call.
Simultaneous domestic hot water and central heating calls will
result in the PRESTIGE operating at the highest target temper-
ature when DHW Priority is set to Disabled. The use of a mixing
device on the lower temperature zones may be required to pro-
tect the lower temperature zones from damage.
DHW Priority should only be set to Disabled when Prestige
Model is set to Solo. Setting DHW Priority to Disabled when
Prestige Model is set to Excellence will not disable DHW
3.11 DHW Call Blocking
Default: 0 Minute
DHW Call Blocking sets the minimum time between burner firings for
domestic hot water calls. At the completion of a burner firing, the DHW
Call Blocking time will begin. The burner will not fire again until after the
DHW Call Blocking time has elapsed. The DHW Call Blocking time only
prevents the burner from firing, the circulators configured for domestic hot
water calls in Pump Settings will respond to a domestic hot water call.
This blocking time has no affect on central heating calls. The DHW Call
Blocking feature prevents short cycling of the burner and extends the life
of the burner components. Press the
buttons to adjust
the DHW Call Blocking time then press the
button to store the setting.
3.12 DHW To CH Call Blocking
Default: 1 Minute
DHW To CH Call Blocking sets the minimum time between a DHW burn-
er firing and a CH burner firing. At the completion of a DHW burner fir-
ing, the DHW to CH Call Blocking time will begin. The burner will not
fire again for a central heating call until after the DHW To CH Call
Blocking time has elapsed. The DHW To CH Call Blocking time only pre-
vents the burner from firing, the circulators configured for central heating
calls in Pump Settings will respond to a central heating call. This blocking
time has no affect on domestic hot water calls. The DHW To CH Call
Blocking feature prevents the burner from firing when switching from a
domestic hot water call to a central heating call. This allows the remaining
heat in the heat exchanger to be dissipated and potentially satisfy the cen-
tral heating call. Press the
buttons to adjust the DHW
To CH Call Blocking time then press the
button to store the setting.
0 min.
30 min.
0 min.
DHW Call
0 min.
30 min.
1 min.
Call Blocking
2015-10 Prestige ACVMax Control Sup 12-14-15_ACVMax_Control 12/15/15 7:36 AM Page 13