Weather Forecast
While connected to Wi-Fi, weather forecasts for today and tomorrow are
downloaded from Dark Sky. Dark Sky is one of the most accurate sources of
hyperlocal weather information. It is backed by a wide range of weather data
sources, which are aggregated together to provide the most accurate forecast
possible for a given location. With down-to-the-minute forecasts, you’ll know
exactly when conditions will change so you can plan your day.
If the weather station is not connected to Wi-Fi, the forecast is generated
using data from the outdoor sensor. Self-calibrating forecasting uses a unique
algorithm to analyze changes in pressure over a time period (called Learning
Mode) to determine your altitude. After 14 days, the self-calibrated pressure is
tuned in to your location and the unit is ready for superior weather prediction.
High and Low Records
High and low records for today and all-time are displayed for indoor and
outdoor temperature and humidity. Today’s records automatically clear at
12:00am midnight every day.
Press the button to cycle through high and low recorded values for outdoor
and indoor temperature and humidity. You will automatically exit records if no
buttons are pressed for 10 seconds.
To manually clear a HIGH or LOW record, press and HOLD the button for 3
seconds while viewing the record(s) you wish to clear. Dashes display to confirm
you have cleared the record(s).
Care and Maintenance
Display Care
Clean with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use caustic cleaners or abrasives. Keep
away from dust, dirt and moisture. Clean ventilation ports regularly with a
gentle puff of air.
Outdoor Sensor Care
Clean with a soft damp cloth. Do not use caustic cleaners or abrasives.
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