AR1000 User’s Manual
Rev 1.7 1/10
Trigger Mode Optimization
Trigger mode is only available in the standard AR1000 and NOT available in the AR1000H (heater)
sensor version.
The AR1000 can operate with a hardware trigger that has been connected according to the diagram in
Section 4.1.6. To operate with an external trigger, the AR1000 must be configured in the Trigger
Measurement Mode (DF). See Section 8.1.5 for details about this measurement mode. The Trigger
Delay (TD) and Trigger Mode (TM) functions should only be used in the Hardware Trigger Mode
Designating Trigger Mode (DF)
DF mode allows a measurement that is triggered by an external trigger pulse. Initially, after
selecting this mode, the operator does not receive any response. As soon as the trigger pulse has
been detected, the AR1000 will send data and update the digital and/or analog output. See TD
(section 9.3) to select the trigger delay and edge.
Note that if TM is on (TM1 x) then the trigger does not always produce the measurement output
in the DF mode. Set TM0 x prior to using DF mode.
Setting a Trigger Delay and edge (TDx y)
The factory default setting is 0 0
The Trigger Delay (TDx y) consists of two parameters which are separated by space (20h).
x (0..9999) delay time in milliseconds from trigger edge until measurement is performed.
y (0:falling, 1:rising)
trigger level.
TD1000 0<Enter>
In the given example, the delay time is set to 1000 ms and the trigger is set to the falling
edge (HIGH to LOW transition).
Triggering Autostart (TMx y)
The factory default setting is 0 1.
The Triggering Autostart function allows users to set the hardware trigger to initiate the auto-start
command (set via parameter AS. See Section 5.5.3).
TMx y uses two parameters which are separated by a space (20h).
x (0:no autostart trigger, 1:autostart trigger ON)
y (0: trigger on LOW, 1: trigger on HIGH)
Triggering occurs via the external trigger input. All starting modes which are selectable via AS
can be launched and stopped by external triggering. These are:
DS, DT, DW, DX, DF, DM, TP, LO, and ID.
Normally for triggering, the trigger input must be held in the active state until completion of the
function. If the trigger is in the active state when the TM1 x command is issued, then the function
will activate.
Note that ASDF is not reliable in TM mode, use ASDM instead.