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It shall be performed by authorized personnel prior to maintenance and/or repair.
Verify that the installation procedure described was completed. A complete physical check of the customer’s
system is suggested.
The output power available at the output waveguide flange is extremely
hazardous. Under no circumstances should block up converter be operated
without the waveguide feed or a high power load attached. Do not operate
this equipment in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Failure to
observe this precaution will result in personal injury. Safe and careful
installation of this block up converter will eliminate the possibility of
accidents and provide years of top performance.
Verify the antenna feed waveguide connection is properly done before the block up converter is energized.
The block up converter can withstand any source or load VSWR. However,
the block up converter will meet all specification requirements only if the
source/load VSWR is sufficient. Normal operation is not possible if the
antenna feeder VSWR is greater than 2:1.
Turn ON the power and allow a warm up period of twenty minutes before operating the block up converter.
This will assure stable gain and power. The block up converter can function with a coupler when a direct
measurement of the output power is made.