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Functional Overview
This section describes the block up converter functions in detail. The functional overview explains the RF
amplification, monitor & control and power distribution.
IF/RF Conversion and Amplification
The IF Input requires a signal with a 10MHz reference, and 80-240 VAC power source. 2-4.5Amps nominal
enters the BUC by a coaxial cable, converted to C-Band by the BUC and goes through an internal isolator and
reject filter, which provides a good VSWR at the input. Under normal operation, the RF amplifier will amplify
the RF Input signal level up to a power level of 48 dBm or 60 Watts CW minimum.
To achieve the rated output power of the RF Amplifier, provide the necessary gain and low insertion loss. The
amplified signal is transmitted through the output waveguide section to a satellite up-link system.
Monitor and Control (optional)
The block up converter may have a RS-485 and RS-232 serial interface. With this option the block up
converter can communicate to the indoor unit or redundancy control block up converter via RS-485 or RS-232.
The control system can provide the following M&C functions:
BUC Alarm (via RS-485/RS-232): when an input BUC within the block up converter system current
draw is below 0.3A, a BUC alarm signal will be transmitted via the RS-485/RS-232 serial interface.
Mute Control (via RS-485/RS-232)
Mute Control (via hardware line): TTL high level signal will mute a block up converter
Output Power Monitoring: 20 dB dynamic range (via RS-485/RS-232)
Base Plate Temperature Monitoring (via RS-485/RS-232)