. Attach ” extension arm ( 0
) to . ” ball attached in the middle of the bottom of
ErgoReJoy platform (
00) and mini mast ball (mini mast 0
C. Position joystick in standard PWC armrest location (see photo taken of joystick attached
to armrest for reference). Confirm that the joystick cable is tight against the bottom of the
platform and the ” extension arm is also as level as possible (refer to figure ).
D. f the socket is in the lowest position in the slot, then additional lower adjustments can
be made by lowering the round tube portion of the Stealth universal round tube mounting
bracket in its slots.
E. Tighten knob of ” extension arm snugly.
. Sit on PWC and turn joystick on to confirm connections are correct. Test ride to confirm joystick and platform
are secure.
. f assembling a two socket system, remove joystick and
ErgoReJoy assembly out of the receiver socket and insert
in the opposite armrest’s socket. Confirm mini-mast is fully inserted.
A. Repeat the test ride
. Additional
ErgoReJoy joystick locations can be sampled if desired. n order to drive
the PWC in any of the locations other than the armrest, raise the socket to its’ highest
position in the socket bracket’s slot (see figure ). See the joystick positioning protocol
for which extension arms to use in each location.
. Return the ErgoReJoy platform to the standard armrest configuration with ” extension
arm in position with the sockets in lowest position (refer to figure ).
XIII. Remove
ErgoReJoy joystick assembly without loosening its adjustment knob from its receiver socket and store in
assessment case in the center location. Return ” and ” extension arms, double ball adaptor and the JoyPad,
with small ” extension arm to the assessment case.
XIV. Place the PWC on charge for i
nitial assessment.
figure 6
figure 7