A C T G L O B A L . C O M / S P O R T S - T U R F
E M A I L :
S P O R T S @ A C T G L O B A L . C O M
General Instructions
Act Global fibers are among the most stain resistant in
the industry. Most “stains” are not true “stains” but rath-
er residue of foreign matter that must be promptly and
thoroughly removed.
The first rule in spot removal is promptness. It is always
easier to clean up a fresh spill than one that has dried
and hardened. Remove any solid or paste-like deposit
with a spatula or table knife. Blot up excess liquids with
a thick stack of paper towels or a dry absorbent such as
“kitty litter” or Fullers Earth. Dry absorbents can then be
swept or vacuumed up.
Act Global surfaces have good resistance to staining.
However, it is important to realize they are only one
part of a sophisticated system of various components
designed for overall field performance. Some cleaning
agents that are safe for the fiber can be harmful to other
components of the system.
Nylon Fibers
Cleaning agents are grouped into two sets, one of which
can be used in liberal amounts directly on the turf sur-
face, and the second of which should only be applied by
rubbing a cloth soaked in the cleaner, in order to mini-
mize penetration of possibly harmful agents below the
turf fibers.
Foreign Objects
& Contaminants
Chewing gum can best be re-
moved by using either ice or
an aerosol to freeze the gum,
which can then be chipped
or broken off the turf fibers.
If gum has been smeared
across fibers, peanut butter
will soften the gum so that it
can be wiped off.
Sunflower seeds, peanut
shells, pistachio shells, etc.
should be removed by using a
hand held or back pack blow-
er. To minimize the movement
of infill, do not point nozzle
directly into the turf. Use min
imal throttle to decrease the
volume of air.
Metal objects should be
picked up by a magnet that
is attached to grooming and
brushing equipment.
Moss, mold, or algae may
appear in underutilized areas of the synthetic turf,
particularly if it is in shade and damp. Specialty
products are available. Weeds are easily removed
by hand if the infestation has not become too
excessive. Treatments are also available.