ACR330 User Manual
Version 1.00
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1.0. Introduction
The ACR330 Bus Validator is designed specifically for the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) system, to
offer the convenience of cashless payment in buses, ferries, trams, railways and other transportation
ACR330 enables high-speed transaction processing and transaction records collection through 13.56
MHz contactless (RFID) technology. It supports all smart cards/tags compliant to ISO 14443 Type A &
B, Felica and MIFARE®. Through GPS, it enables to locate vehicles, manage fleets and set flexible
distance-based fares.
An embedded barcode scanner allows transaction through print out or mobile barcodes. It supported
various advanced connection modes for data transfer which includes Wi-Fi, 3G/4G and GSM/GPRS.
The mobile validator supported multiple payment transactions as a means of propriertary use that
consists of four payment system certifications that caters to both Visa PayWave and MasterCard.
The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed guide on how to use the ACR330.