BusWorks® Model 989EN U
ser’s Manual Modbus TCP/IP Digital I/O & Counters
Acromag, Inc. Tel:248-295-0880 Fax:248-624-9234 Email:
Configure counters 0 to 3 to count down, with a debounce time of
100ms, starting at a value of 256.
Web Interface:
In the Counter Configuration Page, for the first counter, locate
Counter Enable and select “Enabled”.
For the Count Direction option, select
For the Counter Debounce option, select “Enabled”.
Type in “100” in the “Debounce Value” Edit Box.
Type in “256” in the “Pre-Load Value” Edit Box.
Click on the “Submit” button at the bottom.
Repeat Steps 1-6 for the remaining channels.
To enable counters 0-3, write 000FH to register 40010.
To configure the counters for “Down” counting, write 000FH to
register 40013.
To enable “Debounce”, write 000FH to register 40032.
To configure the counters “Debounce Value”, write 0064H to
register 40033.
To set a Pre-Load Value, write 0100H to Register 40017,
40019, 40021, and 40023.
After configuring your counters, you can use the counter test page to operate
them. This page allows you to monitor counter values, view alarm status,
and reset counters.
The Counter Boxes display the current value for each channel. The value
“Inactive” means that the counter on this channel has been disabled. Below
the Counter Value box is the Pulse Time which measures the time (in
milliseconds) between counts. When a pulse is received, the timer updates
with the time from the current pulse to the last pulse. The timer will restart
and wait for the next pulse, but will continue to display the previous time.
Under the timer, the state of an alarm channel is indicated by a simulated
LED (bright red for “ON”) below the channel number. The Alarm Reset will
reset an alarm state as well as reset the counter to the Pre-Loaded Value.
Counter Configuration
Counter Test Page
When you first enter a page
that includes controls like this,
you may note that your first
click on a control is ignored.
This is because the first click
only activates the control.
The Counter boxes represent
the current count value for
each input counter. Below the
LED’s of this page reflect the
Alarm outputs associated with
each event counter.
The Pulse Time will display the
time (in milliseconds) between
the last two count values. The
time is updated with each
incoming count. It only holds
the current pulse time.
Note: This page is not
available on the 989EN-4C16
TIP: For a faster refresh rate,
use the Modbus registers to
read the Pulse Time.