The UNI-P2S is a high-precision and universal
versatile positioning and measuring instrument for
use with phono tonearms turntables. It allows
precise measurement of mounting distance -
P2S or pivot-to-spindle distance - of any given
Furthermore the user can determine whether a
given mounted tonearm does meet the mounting
distance required or asked for in it’s specifications
- i.e. whether it is correct mounted.
This applies to all pivot tonearms – no matter
what effective length, mounting distance or
specific geometry a given tonearm may ask for.
The UNI-P2S further gives the options to:
- draw an arc of suitable mounting distance on a
plinth/armboard to find the optimal position(s)
of a to-be-mounted tonearm.
- mark a drilling hole with the sharp tip of the
stainless steel pin.
- locate perfect center of tonearm - either with tip
of pin or (if center isn’t visible without question)
center the outer dimensions of bearing house by
using the cross-hairs on the reticule.
The UNI-P2S works DIRECT with the following
alignment tractors:
- UNI-Protractor
- Mint LP
- Wally
- Dennesen Soundtraktor
- Schön template 1 and 2
A brief introduction
This means you can use the UNI-P2S mounted
WHILE any of the above mentioned protractors
are in use and thus checking mounting distance
“on-the-fly” - while aligning the tonearm/
It further offers precise help with some protractors
so you can determine the proper orientation of
help lines towards the pivot.
To ensure the high precision the UNI-P2S comes
with a special designed vernier scale.Thus giving
an accuracy in read-out of 5/100 mm.
Precise P2S distance is impossible without precise
The UNI-P2S works with the 3 spindle adapters
and the stainless steel locator pin with cross lines
of the UNI-Protractor to ensure perfect center
without play.
Each UNI-P2S was carefully checked and tested
prior to shipment.
Please do get yourself familiar to the handling and
use of the UNI-P2S.
While it is a mechanical positioning instrument, it
needs a minimum of attention to detail by the user
to obtain the maximum precise results it ensures if
handled correctly.
To get access to all possible features of the UNI-
P2S it is inevitable to read this manual. But most
important please study the step-by-step pictured
instruction to learn how to set-up the UNI-P2S