ACOUSTIC SOLUTIONS CMP3160CLASSIC Installation & User'S Instructions Download Page 6

Page 5

User instructions

Navigation controls


   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .Press to navigate 




   .  .  .  .Press to navigate 




   .  . Rotate to scroll 



(11) BACK:

   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Press to return to previous screen


   .  .  .  .Press for current mode options


   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .Press to select

Volume controls




 Press or press & hold the 




increase the volume output . 


 Press or press & hold the 





decrease the volume output .

The playlist menu

Updating the playlist library

The PLAYLIST menu allows songs to be browsed in 
various sorted libraries . For example : All Songs, Album, 
Artists, Style & Favourite . Follow the below steps to 
familiarise yourself with the functions .

NOTE: Before the ‘playlist’ library can be used the 
music files on the internal memory need to be 
compiled into the various libraries. 


 Once audio tracks have been transferred to the 

internal memory and the device is switched 


, The 

playlist database will begin updating automatically in 
the background .


 Should you wish to access music immediately 

without waiting you can browse all files using the 

‘File browser menu’



 Instructions on how to perform the database update 

manually can be found on page 



NOTE: The more audio files you add to the internal 
memory the longer the process will take. 

Navigating the playlist menu


 Navigate to the 


 menu icon on the main 

screen using the 

NEXT (10)

PREV (6)

 buttons or jog 

wheel .


 Press the 




 to enter the menu .


 Using the 

NEXT (10)

PREV (6)

 buttons or jog wheel 

select an option from the below list:

All Songs:

 Displays all songs on the internal memory in 

one list .


Sorts all songs in album format .


Sorts all songs by artist .


Sorts all songs by genre


Displays all songs designated as a ‘favourite’ 

(see favourites section page 6) .

NOTE: Some libraries like Album, Artist & Style 
require an addition press of the SELECT (5) button 
to enter the selected Album, Artist or Style.


 To begin playback of a selected track press the 


 button .

The file browser menu

The FILE BROWSER menu enables navigation of the 
internal memory as it is displayed on a PC .


 Navigate to the 


 menu icon on the 

main screen using the 

NEXT (10)

PREV (6)


or jog wheel .

Summary of Contents for CMP3160CLASSIC

Page 1: ... 1289 D 160GB jukebox with display These instructions contain important information which will help you get the best from your appliance and ensure safe and correct installation use and maintenance If you need help or have damaged or missing parts call the Customer Helpline 0870 600 3030 S E L E C T M O D E BAC K N E X T PR EV ...

Page 2: ...stmenu 5 Updatingtheplaylistlibrary 5 Navigatingtheplaylistmenu 5 Thefilebrowsermenu 5 Thefilebrowsermenu cont 6 Nowplaying 6 Playbackmode 6 Favourites 6 Musicsettingmenu 7 Playmode 7 Bootvolume 7 Memoryplayback 7 Updateplaylist 7 Systemsettingmenu 7 Backgroundpattern 7 Backlighttime 7 Backlightbrightness 7 Poweroff 8 Information 8 Restorefactorysettings 8 Formatinternalmemory 8 Technicalspecifica...

Page 3: ...toavoidelectricshock Thesupplyvoltageshouldbethesameasthat indicatedinthetechnicalspecificationsandthe applianceratingplate Batteriesshallnotbeexposedtoexcessiveheatsuch assun fireorthelike ThisproductcomplieswithEuropeanlow voltage 2006 95 EC andelectromagnetic compatibility 2004 108 EC directives Care maintenance Careandcleaning Allcareandcleaningoperationsshouldbecarriedout withtheunitunplugged...

Page 4: ...chargesocket 7 onthebottomof theunit 2 Connecttheotherendofthecabletoalaptop pcusb input poweronthepc laptop 3 TheunitwillpowerON 3 DuringthechargingprocesstheLEDindicator 9 will displayaREDledlight 4 WhenfullychargedtheLEDindicator 9 willdisplaya PURPLE RED BLUE ledlight S E L E C T M O D E BAC K N E X T PR EV VOL PWR RESET 2 3 12 13 14 11 10 9 8 4 5 7 6 1 1 EARPHONEinputsocket 2 LCDdisplay 3 MOD...

Page 5: ...3160_160G deviceandselecting EJECT 7 RemovetheUSBcablefromthePC bottomofthe unit 7 Earphone connection Instructionsforearphoneusage 1 Connectthe3 5mmearphoneplugintothe EARPHONEsocket 1 onthebottomoftheunit Topreventpossiblehearingdamage donotlistenathighvolumelevels forlongperiods In musicmode whenthevolumeisadjustedto 85dBtheabovewarningwillappearonthe display If youhearnosoundduringplayback don...

Page 6: ... thebackground 2 Shouldyouwishtoaccessmusicimmediately withoutwaitingyoucanbrowseallfilesusingthe Filebrowsermenu 3 Instructionsonhowtoperformthedatabaseupdate manuallycanbefoundonpage7 NOTE Themoreaudiofiles you add to the internal memorythelongertheprocess will take Navigating the playlist menu 1 Navigatetothe PLAYLIST menuicononthemain screenusingtheNEXT 10 PREV 6 buttonsorjog wheel 2 PresstheS...

Page 7: ...e Selectaplaybackmodefromthebelowoptions Favourite Assignasafavouritetrack Order Playalltracksinorder Repeatall Repeatsalltracks Repeatone Repeatsthecurrenttrack Shuffle Playsalltracksina randomorder 1 PresstheMODESELECTbutton 3 todisplaythe playbackoptions 2 UsetheNEXT 10 PREV 6 buttonsorjogwheel toselectoneoftheaboveoptionsandpressthe SELECTbutton 5 toactivatethefunction Favourites Youcantagmult...

Page 8: ...E Themoreaudiofiles you add to the internal memorythelongertheprocess will take System setting menu Background pattern Selectfrom4differentbackgroundpatterns 1 UsetheNEXT 10 PREV 6 buttonsorjogwheelto selectapattern NOTE Asyouscrollthroughthepatternsthe backgroundpatternchangesautomatically 2 PresstheSELECTbutton 5 3 UsetheNEXT 10 PREV 6 buttonsorjogwheel toselectOKfromthe Save optionboxandpress S...

Page 9: ...NEXT 10 PREV 6 buttonsorjogwheelto selectOKfromthe Restoretofactorysettings optionboxandpressSELECTtoresetthesettings NOTE Thisdoesnotdelete anyaudio files stored ontheinternalmemory Format internal memory Todeleteallaudiofilesstoredontheinternal memoryandrestoretoablankstatefollowthebelow instructions 1 With Formatinternalmemory selectedinthe menu presstheSELECTbutton 5 todisplaythe confirmationp...

Page 10: ...Problem Reason s Solution s NoPower Theunitrequirescharging ConnecttoaPCorlaptopusingthe suppliedcabletocharge NoSound Volumeistoolow Noaudiofileshavebeencopied totheinternalmemory Theearphoneshavenotbeen connectedcorrectly Increasethevolume Follow ConnectingtoaPC instructionsonpage4ofthismanual Insertthe3 5mmearphonepluginto theearphonesocketontheMP3 player Soundisdistorted Volumeistoohigh Reduce...

Page 11: ...antee does not cover accidental damage misuse cabinet parts knobs or consumable items The product must be correctly installed and operated in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual It must be used solely for domestic purpose The guarantee will be rendered invalided if the product is re sold or has been damaged by inexpert repair Specifications are subject to change without notic...
