3. Fill in the form to create your account. Then click on
to proceed.
Your password must be at least 8
characters long.
First name
Create a new account
Last name
Select a user name
Select a password
Re-enter password
BlackBerry mail
By clicking ‘I Accept’ you agree to the
terms of use and privacy policy.
Create a new account
Tip: To insert @ or . press SPACE
I Accept
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy
4. Enter an email address you use on your BlackBerry. Then
click on
I Accept
to continue.
The App confirms that your account has been created.
Now you’re ready to set up the AV Remote to control your
Set up the App with your Home
Entertainment devices
In order for the App to control your devices, you need to add them, one by one, to
your account. First, though, you’ll set up the “room” where you use the devices.
Update Device Config
Update Devices on Zentral
Delete Update History
Create Account
Add Room
UnifyGuide (Listings)
Re-download UnifyGuide
Run in Background
1. From the AV Remote App home screen, press the
button and select
Add Room