Connect the three supplied 1.5 m RCA connector cables from the amplifier KEY OUT sockets to the splitter /
combiner KEY OUT 1, KEY OUT 2, KEY OUT 3 sockets. If paired RCA cables are supplied use the other
plugs of the cables already connected to the KEY IN jacks.
Connect the supplied 3 m RG58 coaxial cable with a PL-259 plugs from the transceiver antenna connector to
the splitter / combiner RF INPUT receptacle.
Connect the supplied 3 m RCA cable, or the the same color plugs of the paired 3 m RCA cable from the
splitter / combiner KEY OUT jack to the transceiver input that disables the transmission while not connected
to the ground. Transceiver producers give different names to this input and they are for instance TX-
INHIBIT, MUTE, LINEAR, etc. Check your transceiver’s manual. If your transceiver does not have such input,
we recommend connecting this cable in place of transceiver PTT switch as shown on fig. 2-3 and use the
transceiver in PTT mode only.
If you have connected the KEY OUT jack according to fig .2-3, then disconnect the PTT switch from the
transceiver and connect it to the KEY IN jack as shown on fig.2-3. Otherwise connect the supplied 3 m RCA
cable from the transceiver socket providing “ground on transmit” to the splitter / combiner KEY IN jack.
Transceiver producers give different names to this output and they are for instance TX-GND, SEND, T/R-
LINE, AMPL, etc. Some transceivers require that “ground on transmit” is implemented via a software
command, or by changing the setting of a switch on the rear panel, or interior of the transceiver. Check your
transceiver’s manual.
Fig.2-3 Splitter / combiner KEY OUT Connection in series with the transceiver PTT switch
Connect the antenna cable with PL-259 PTFE insulated plug to the splitter / combiner RF OUTPUT socket.
Pay attention to the coaxial cable type from the splitter / combiner output. It must handle the
increased power
safely, particularly on the higher frequency bands. We recommend you use as a
minimum 7.25 mm (0.285") dielectric diameter PTFE coaxial cable, for instance RG393. Please
note that the popular RG213 of the same size is PE insulated and cannot handle 5000W above
Check the same about the antenna selector and tuner as well as the antenna itself
(especially multiband trap antennas).
Insert the 12V power supply plug into the splitter / combiner socket marked 12V DC.