Stationary Photoionization Detector SPID2
User Manual
SPID2 - User Manual (en) - 1.11.docx
Analytical Control Instruments GmbH, Volmerstraße 9A, D-12489 BERLIN, Germany,
Version 1.11
Page 44 of 60
How To
Clean the PID Lamp
On normal operation over time and for most of VOCs like Benzene, Toluene, Hexane, Acetone and
others when concentration does not exceed several tens of ppm, it is not necessary to clean the lamp
If PID readings often exceed 100 ppm or other heavy compounds are measured, then it is
recommended to clean the lamp window. The interval between cleaning depends on concentration
level and is governed by results of checking with use of calibrating SPAN Gas.
Cleaning procedure:
Remove the PID lamp like described in chapter 7.5.
For window cleaning it is recommended to use long
stapling textile, which is wrapped around a
glass rod and saturated with pure acetone ( chemically pure ). Pressing on the rod with light force
onto the lamp window and rub in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes.
After cleaning process take short brake of 10 min before the lamp will be installed into PID sensor
Switching on the device and after 15 min the calibration procedure can be started.
Do not touch the lamp window during installation.