Automation Components, Inc.
2305 Pleasant View Road | Middleton, WI 53562
1-888-967-5224 |
Page 4
Version: 6.0
To calculate the voltage input signal span, subtract the minimum voltage input signal from the maximum
input signal (i.e. a 0 to 5 volt input signal will give you a 5 volt input signal span: 5-0=5).
To calculate the current output signal span, subtract the minimum output signal from the maximum
output signal (i.e. a 4 to 20 mA output signal will give you a 16 mA output signal span: 20-4=16).
Take the number for the voltage input signal span and apply this voltage to “IN” terminal.
Compare the output reading on your meter with the current output signal span you calculated above. If
the meter reading is higher, adjust the “ATTN” trim pot until the meter reading drops to the calculated
output span. If the meter reading is lower, adjust the “GAIN” trim pot until the meter reading increases to
the calculated output signal span.
Step 6) Offset Adjustments
The offset adjustments simply shift the output signal range up or down from a “no offset” condition.
An output signal range in a “no offset” condition is 8 to 16mA. Adding an offset of 4mA will
now make the output signal range 4 to 12mA.
Apply the minimum voltage input signal and read the minimum output signal on the meter. With the
“OFFSET” jumper shunt “J2” in the “O” position (from Step 6), no offset voltage will be added or subtracted
from the output signal range.
If you need to shift the output signal range up, set the “OFFSET” jumper shunt “J2” in the “+” position and
adjust the “OFFSET” trim pot until you increase the voltage reading on the meter to match the desired
minimum output voltage. (Remember, this also increases the maximum output signal by the same
If you need to shift the output signal range down, set the “OFFSET” jumper shunt “J2” in the “-” position and
adjust the “OFFSET” trim pot until you decrease the voltage reading on the meter to match the desired
minimum output voltage. (Remember, this also decreases the maximum output by the same amount.)
Step 7) Reverse Action Adjustments
If you will require your output signal to reverse act, set jumper shunt “J1” in the “R” position. Apply the
minimum voltage input signal and adjust the “REV” trim pot for the highest desired output signal.
Check the low, mid-scale and high signal points to insure proper calibration.
Step 8) Final Adjustments
If you require a current input, set the “J3” IN jumper shunt in the “I” position. Check operation of the ARM for
desired signal re-scaling and operation.