Possible Causes
Karaoke Operations
11. There's no sound from
* Only HDMI & RCA mix output will support Karaoke Output. See page 6.
the microphone
* You need to adjust the volume of microphone.
12. There's feedback and screeching * The microphones are too close to the speakers
13. Screen is black & white, wavey, or * Use the P/N button from remote to switch between NTSC
contains static.
and PAL. Press P/N then ENTER
USB or SD card devices
14. The unit cannot read the devices. * There are more than 2,000 files on the devices
* The device is not formatted to FAT32
* The device requires an external power source to power on.
Recording performance 15. Function does not work
* Need to play the song first, then press the REC
button on the remote or front panel.
16. No voice after playback
* Didn't turn on the volume of microphone while recording.
17. No graphic
18. Cannot record
Convert CDG discs to MP3
files to USB/SD card
* The unit only supports recording from CDG, MP3G
discs and only records audio from VCD discs.
* Only support CDG format.
HD video output
19. Video display not normal.
20. Saving high resolution
*By law, VGA output mode can’t support high
definition video output. If you select VGA output
and choose 720p or higher resolution, the Video
signal will become blurred or mosaics from ALL
output, including VGA, HDMI, RCA etc.
So please DO NOT use VGA output mode if you
desire high definition resolution output (720p &
*To prevent accidental changes to HD resolutions
your TV does not support, you will be prompted if
you would like to save the selected resolution and
use it after the player has been reboot. The
resolution will be reset to 480p standard video
output if you opted not to save.
Simply turn the player off and power back on and
wait for 10~15 seconds if you accidentally
changed your video resolution setting causing no
video to appear on your TV. The resolution will be
reset to 480p standard video output.