Operating on Battery Power
Hibernation Mode
In hibernation mode , all power shuts off (the
computer does not consume any power). The
computer saves all system information onto the
hard disk before it enters hibernation mode. Once
you turn on the power, the computer restores this
information and resumes where you left off upon
leaving hibernation mode.
There are three necessary conditions for the
computer to enter hibernation mode:
The hibernation file created by Sleep Manager
must be present and valid. See section 5.1.
Heuristic Power Management Mode must be
set to
System Sleep State must be set to
In this situation, there are four ways to enter
hibernation mode:
Pressing the sleep hot key Fn-F7 ( )
If the waiting time determined by the
computer’s HPM unit elapses without any
system activity, the computer goes into
hibernation mode.
If a battery low condition takes place, the
computer enters hibernation mode in about
three minutes. The Sleep Upon Battery-low
parameter in Setup must be set to