Instrukcje dotyczące baterii i pilota
zdalnego sterowania
Wkładanie baterii
Przed użyciem odbiornika telewizyjnego po raz pierwszy włóż dwie baterie „AAA”. Gdy baterie są bliskie
wyczerpania i pilot zdalnego sterowania nie działa, wymień je na nowe baterie „AAA”.
1 Otwórz przegródkę baterii.
2 Włóż dwie baterie „AAA”
3 Zamknij przegródkę baterii.
Not using the batteries properly may cause a leakage of chemical substances or explosion. The following instructions
must be followed.
• Do not use mixed batteries of different types. Batteries of different types have different characteristics.
• Do not use mixed new and old batteries. If new batteries are used with old ones, the service life of the new ones will
be shortened,or it may cause a leakage of the chemical substances in the old batteries.
• When the batteries are low, take out the batteries immediately. The chemical substances leaked from the battery
may corrode the parts in the battery compartment. If a leakage of any chemical substance is found, use a cloth to
thoroughly clean the chemical substance.
• If the remote control will not be used for a long time, take out the batteries from the remote control.
• Do not expose the batteries to direct sunlight, fire or other overheating environments.
Uncover the battery compartment.
When inserting the batteries, note that
the polarities of the batteries should
match the polarities marked (e) and (f)
on the battery compartment.
Insert two “AAA” batteries
Cover the battery compartment.
When using the remote control, point it to the remote sensor.
If there is an object between the remote control and the
sensor window, normal operations may be prevented.
Precautions regarding the remote control
Inserting batteries
Using the remote control
Before using the TV set for the first time, insert two “AAA” batteries. When the batteries are low, and the remote control
does not work, replace with new “AAA” batteries.
• Do not subject the remote control to violent vibration.
In addition, do not dip the remote control in liquids, or place the remote
control in a highly humid place.
• Never set up or place the remote control under direct sunlight.
Heat may cause deformation of the remote control.
• When the TV set’s remote sensor is under direct sunlight or strong
lighting, the remote control may fail. If this occurs, change the lighting or
angle of the LCD TV set, or operate the remote control near the sensor.
Not using the batteries properly may cause a leakage of chemical substances or explosion. The following instructions
must be followed.
• Do not use mixed batteries of different types. Batteries of different types have different characteristics.
• Do not use mixed new and old batteries. If new batteries are used with old ones, the service life of the new ones will
be shortened,or it may cause a leakage of the chemical substances in the old batteries.
• When the batteries are low, take out the batteries immediately. The chemical substances leaked from the battery
may corrode the parts in the battery compartment. If a leakage of any chemical substance is found, use a cloth to
thoroughly clean the chemical substance.
• If the remote control will not be used for a long time, take out the batteries from the remote control.
• Do not expose the batteries to direct sunlight, fire or other overheating environments.
Uncover the battery compartment.
When inserting the batteries, note that
the polarities of the batteries should
match the polarities marked (e) and (f)
on the battery compartment.
Insert two “AAA” batteries
Cover the battery compartment.
When using the remote control, point it to the remote sensor.
If there is an object between the remote control and the
sensor window, normal operations may be prevented.
Precautions regarding the remote control
Inserting batteries
Using the remote control
Before using the TV set for the first time, insert two “AAA” batteries. When the batteries are low, and the remote control
does not work, replace with new “AAA” batteries.
• Do not subject the remote control to violent vibration.
In addition, do not dip the remote control in liquids, or place the remote
control in a highly humid place.
• Never set up or place the remote control under direct sunlight.
Heat may cause deformation of the remote control.
• When the TV set’s remote sensor is under direct sunlight or strong
lighting, the remote control may fail. If this occurs, change the lighting or
angle of the LCD TV set, or operate the remote control near the sensor.
Not using the batteries properly may cause a leakage of chemical substances or explosion. The following instructions
must be followed.
• Do not use mixed batteries of different types. Batteries of different types have different characteristics.
• Do not use mixed new and old batteries. If new batteries are used with old ones, the service life of the new ones will
be shortened,or it may cause a leakage of the chemical substances in the old batteries.
• When the batteries are low, take out the batteries immediately. The chemical substances leaked from the battery
may corrode the parts in the battery compartment. If a leakage of any chemical substance is found, use a cloth to
thoroughly clean the chemical substance.
• If the remote control will not be used for a long time, take out the batteries from the remote control.
• Do not expose the batteries to direct sunlight, fire or other overheating environments.
Uncover the battery compartment.
When inserting the batteries, note that
the polarities of the batteries should
match the polarities marked (e) and (f)
on the battery compartment.
Insert two “AAA” batteries
Cover the battery compartment.
When using the remote control, point it to the remote sensor.
If there is an object between the remote control and the
sensor window, normal operations may be prevented.
Precautions regarding the remote control
Inserting batteries
Using the remote control
Before using the TV set for the first time, insert two “AAA” batteries. When the batteries are low, and the remote control
does not work, replace with new “AAA” batteries.
• Do not subject the remote control to violent vibration.
In addition, do not dip the remote control in liquids, or place the remote
control in a highly humid place.
• Never set up or place the remote control under direct sunlight.
Heat may cause deformation of the remote control.
• When the TV set’s remote sensor is under direct sunlight or strong
lighting, the remote control may fail. If this occurs, change the lighting or
angle of the LCD TV set, or operate the remote control near the sensor.
• Podczas wkładania baterii
zwracaj uwagę na bieguny
baterii. Powinny one być zgodne
z oznaczeniami (e) i (f) wewnątrz
Not using the batteries properly may cause a leakage of chemical substances or explosion. The following instructions
must be followed.
• Do not use mixed batteries of different types. Batteries of different types have different characteristics.
• Do not use mixed new and old batteries. If new batteries are used with old ones, the service life of the new ones will
be shortened,or it may cause a leakage of the chemical substances in the old batteries.
• When the batteries are low, take out the batteries immediately. The chemical substances leaked from the battery
may corrode the parts in the battery compartment. If a leakage of any chemical substance is found, use a cloth to
thoroughly clean the chemical substance.
• If the remote control will not be used for a long time, take out the batteries from the remote control.
• Do not expose the batteries to direct sunlight, fire or other overheating environments.
Uncover the battery compartment.
When inserting the batteries, note that
the polarities of the batteries should
match the polarities marked (e) and (f)
on the battery compartment.
Insert two “AAA” batteries
Cover the battery compartment.
When using the remote control, point it to the remote sensor.
If there is an object between the remote control and the
sensor window, normal operations may be prevented.
Precautions regarding the remote control
Inserting batteries
Using the remote control
Before using the TV set for the first time, insert two “AAA” batteries. When the batteries are low, and the remote control
does not work, replace with new “AAA” batteries.
• Do not subject the remote control to violent vibration.
In addition, do not dip the remote control in liquids, or place the remote
control in a highly humid place.
• Never set up or place the remote control under direct sunlight.
Heat may cause deformation of the remote control.
• When the TV set’s remote sensor is under direct sunlight or strong
lighting, the remote control may fail. If this occurs, change the lighting or
angle of the LCD TV set, or operate the remote control near the sensor.
Nieprawidłowe użycie baterii może spowodować wyciek substancji chemicznych lub wybuch. Należy
stosować się do poniższych instrukcji.
• Nie mieszaj baterii różnych typów. Baterie różnych typów wykazują się odmiennymi cechami.
• Nie mieszaj nowych i starych baterii. Jeśli nowe baterie są używane ze starymi, żywotność nowych
będzie skrócona lub może wystąpić wyciek substancji chemicznych ze starych baterii.
• Gdy baterie są bliskie wyczerpaniu, natychmiast je wyjmij. Substancje chemiczne, które wyciekły
z baterii, mogą skorodować części przegródki na baterie. Jeśli wykryty został wyciek jakichkolwiek
substancji chemicznych, użyj ściereczki, by dokładnie je wytrzeć.
• Jeśli pilot zdalnego sterowania nie będzie używany przez długi czas, wyjmij z niego baterie.
• Nie narażaj baterii na bezpośrednie światło słoneczne, ogień ani inne źródła gorąca.
Wkładanie baterii
Podczas korzystania z pilota zdalnego sterowania kieruj go na zdalny czujnik. Jeśli między pilotem a oknem
czujnika znajduje się przedmiot, normalne działanie może być zakłócone.
Środki ostrożności dotyczące pilota zdalnego sterowania
• Nie narażaj pilota zdalnego sterowania na gwałtowne wstrząsy.
Dodatkowo nie zanurzaj pilota w płynach ani nie umieszczaj go w
miejscu o wysokiej wilgotności.
• Nigdy nie wystawiaj ani nie umieszczaj pilota na bezpośrednim świetle
Gorąco może spowodować zniekształcenie pilota zdalnego sterowania.
• Gdy zdalny czujnik odbiornika telewizyjnego jest narażony na
bezpośrednie światło słoneczne lub silne światło, pilot może nie działać.
W takim przypadku zmień oświetlenie lub kąt odbiornika telewizyjnego
bądź używaj pilota blisko czujnika.
Not using the batteries properly may cause a leakage of chemical substances or explosion. The following instructions
must be followed.
• Do not use mixed batteries of different types. Batteries of different types have different characteristics.
• Do not use mixed new and old batteries. If new batteries are used with old ones, the service life of the new ones will
be shortened,or it may cause a leakage of the chemical substances in the old batteries.
• When the batteries are low, take out the batteries immediately. The chemical substances leaked from the battery
may corrode the parts in the battery compartment. If a leakage of any chemical substance is found, use a cloth to
thoroughly clean the chemical substance.
• If the remote control will not be used for a long time, take out the batteries from the remote control.
• Do not expose the batteries to direct sunlight, fire or other overheating environments.
Uncover the battery compartment.
When inserting the batteries, note that
the polarities of the batteries should
match the polarities marked (e) and (f)
on the battery compartment.
Insert two “AAA” batteries
Cover the battery compartment.
When using the remote control, point it to the remote sensor.
If there is an object between the remote control and the
sensor window, normal operations may be prevented.
Precautions regarding the remote control
Inserting batteries
Using the remote control
Before using the TV set for the first time, insert two “AAA” batteries. When the batteries are low, and the remote control
does not work, replace with new “AAA” batteries.
• Do not subject the remote control to violent vibration.
In addition, do not dip the remote control in liquids, or place the remote
control in a highly humid place.
• Never set up or place the remote control under direct sunlight.
Heat may cause deformation of the remote control.
• When the TV set’s remote sensor is under direct sunlight or strong
lighting, the remote control may fail. If this occurs, change the lighting or
angle of the LCD TV set, or operate the remote control near the sensor.