Copy Right. Hunan Accurate Bio-Medical Technology Co., Ltd
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4. Basic Operations
4.1 User Setup
Measurement interface → Press the Confirm key to enter the interface → Main
interface → Press the Up/Down key to select a user menu, and press the Confirm key
to enter the user menu interface.
Set User ID
1. Press the Confirm key to confirm the selection of User ID;
2. Press the Up/Down key for selection;
3. Press the Confirm key to confirm the modification and return to other menu
for selection.
Set Age
1. Press the Confirm key to confirm the selection of Age;
2. Press the Up/Down key for selection;
3. Press the Confirm key to confirm the modification and return to other menu
for selection.
Set Sex
1. Press the Confirm key to confirm the selection of Sex;
2. Press the Up/Down key for selection;
3. Press the Confirm key to confirm the modification and return to other menu
for selection.
SpO2 Reminder ON/OFF
1. Press the Confirm key to confirm the selection of Reminder;
2. Press the Up/Down key to select ON/OFF;
3. Press the Confirm key to confirm the modification and return to other menu
for selection.
Set low limit for SpO
1. Press the Up/Down key to set the range of lower limit for SpO
2. Press the Confirm key to confirm the modification and return to other menu
for selection.
PR Reminder ON/OFF
1. Press the Confirm key to confirm the selection of Reminder;
2. Press the Up/Down key to select ON/OFF;
3. Press the Confirm key to confirm the modification and return to other menu
for selection.
Set high limit for PR reminder
1. Press the Confirm key to confirm the start of setting;
2. Press the Up/Down key to set the range of upper limit for PR reminder:
(lower limit + 1bpm)~250bpm;