Farbe: PMS 583 – Prüfmittelnummer: 208
This message/
symbol appears ...
and means:
You inserted a test strip drum that has
already been used.
You opened the drum compartment.
You changed the batteries without changing
the test strip drum at the same time.
You performed the requested quality control
check and flagged it as such.
The bar code information from the test strip
drum has been lost.
Turn the meter off. Open the drum compartment
and close it again. The meter then rotates the
drum and reads the bar code. The drum symbol
and “CTRL” then flash in the display. Perform a
quality control check. You can use all remain-
ing test strips. The 90-day use-by period will no
longer be properly calculated for this drum. The
drum symbol continues to flash in the display
until a new drum is inserted.
This message/
symbol appears ...
and means:
There is no test strip drum in the meter.
Turn the meter off. Insert a test strip drum.
You inserted a test strip drum from a differ-
ent blood glucose monitoring system.
Turn the meter off. Insert an Accu-Chek
Integra test strip drum.
The bar code on the drum is damaged.
Turn the meter off.
If you inserted the first drum from a
pack, remove the drum from the meter
and return it to its container. Insert the
second drum from the package and
use all 17 test strips. When it is time to
replace the drum, insert the first drum
with the damaged bar code. When the
error message is displayed, press the
SET button. The meter uses the code
from the previous drum. The drum sym-
bol and “CTRL” flash in the display, re-
questing you to perform a quality control
check. You can use all 17 test strips. The
drum symbol continues to flash in the
display until a new drum is inserted.
9.2 Troubleshooting