Daily insulin total
The total amount of insulin delivered (basal rate plus boluses) in a 24-hour day,
beginning at midnight. This amount does not include any insulin needed for the
priming of infusion sets.
Diabetes Data Management (DDM)
Diabetes Data Management is the recording of the therapy-relevant data
gained from your insulin delivery system and your blood glucose measurement
system (such as an ACCU-CHEK blood glucose monitor) in order to analyze and
illustrate this data on a PC or other communication device.
Factory settings
The standard configuration (“factory settings”) on a new pump. These settings
can be adapted to your individual needs directly on your pump.
Filling aid
An accessory that can be used to help you fill an empty ACCU-CHEK 3.15 ml
plastic cartridge from your vial of insulin.
Free flow
Free flow of insulin from the infusion set may occur when two conditions are
met: first, if the cartridge with a connected infusion set and the piston rod of
your pump are not correctly coupled and second, if you position your pump at
a higher level than the infusion site.
Headset (also known as cannula housing)
The part of an infusion set that includes the soft cannula or needle. The
infusion set tubing connects either directly to the headset, or connects to a
shorter length of tubing permanently attached to the headset.
Hourly basal rate
The amount of insulin delivered by your pump in 3-minute intervals for a
given hour.
Infusion set
Connects your pump to your body. The insulin is delivered from the cartridge
through the infusion set tubing and cannula or needle into your subcutaneous
ACCU-CHEK Spirit Insulin Pump