AC Mobility
User Manual for the Traxx 2 2 electric wheelchair
September 2009
Page 3
Thank you for selecting a “Traxx 2” electric wheelchair. The Traxx 2 is a versatile, highly
functional chair that is the result of extensive market research and technical design to
meet the needs of a wide variety of people. Many people contributed to the design of the
chair, suggesting the range of functions the chair should incorporate to meet the widest
range of user needs
for young and old,
for indoor and outdoor application,
for simple and complex seating systems.
Traxx 2 has been designed with a high degree of adjustability to address key issues such
client changes and growth over time,
the ability to add accessories or different control systems,
the importance of good looks!
We wish to thank those clients, therapists, industry professionals and rehabilitation
engineers who have assisted us in this process. We hope that you, the owner, find the
Traxx 2 electric wheelchair reflects their input and is of real benefit to you in your daily life.
Knowledge of the chair and the User Manual
The following pages are designed to help you make the best use of your Traxx 2. Please
ensure you read carefully all the information about the use of chair and its maintenance.
Review the manual from time to time to ensure that you and your carers/assistants are
thoroughly informed about your chair.
Please read the Safety and Warning notices carefully and consult your dealer if you have
any queries. The safety warnings used in this manual are intended to be used only as
guidelines and you may find it necessary to develop your own methods to solve problems
you may encounter in your daily driving. Seek assistance from your health professional or
wheelchair dealer when required.
While this User’s Manual is based on the latest specifications and product information at
the time of publishing, some changes make take place as we continually strive to improve
the product. Consequently you may see some variations between the descriptions and
photos in this User Manual and the product you have purchased.
Your wheelchair should be inspected and be serviced on a regular and programmed basis
to keep it operating in a safe and fully operational manner. Please see the Wheelchair
Checklist included in the manual and consult your wheelchair dealer.
Should you have any queries regarding the use of your chair or any safety issues, please
ask your health professional, your local wheelchair distributor or contact us at the address
below for assistance.
Should you have any suggestions for improving the Traxx 2, we would be pleased to receive
Head Office :
Unit 2, 5 Boulder Road,
Malaga, WA 6090
08 9209 1777
08 9209 1999