3. GND
GND audio B
4. Audio B
Audio output (Audio B)
5. GND
GND audio A
6. Audio A
Audio output (Audio A)
The audio level for channel A and B is
adjustable synchronously (500 mV to 10 V)
7. GND
8. Video
Please use shielded line to feed the
video and audio signals.
9. GND
GND switching channel
10. Sw. Ch.
Input for switching channel
The input will be activated as soon as he input is
switched against GND via motion detector, door
contact or other buttons or switchers. An
information will be transmitted via the switching
channel. The receiver can evaluate this
Please consider: the switching channel is
available with all wireless receivers.
In Germany it is not allowed to operate covered equipment for audio
transmission. Please consider the related regulations in your country.
The use of the
systems is only recommended in countries where
those frequencies are allowed. The operation of this wireless system is not
permitted in Germany. The transmitters and receivers of ABUS Security-
Center are allowed to be used in Europe without licence.