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Step 4: Teach in sounder in the alarm panel
If this has not been done already, switch the alarm panel on.
Place the sounder next to the alarm panel or within range of the alarm panel with which it
Installer Mode -> Components -> Outdoor sounders -> Wireless sounders ->
Add/remove sounders -> Wireless sound. 0x
The message “Activate the tamper contact of the sounder” is displayed.
Leave the alarm panel in this state during the next step.
Connect the two batteries to the sounder, taking care to observe correct polarity (see Fig. 2).
The sounder or the batteries could get damaged if correct polarity is not observed.
The sounder then sends a teach-in signal to the alarm panel. The alarm panel recognises the
sounder and the message “Sounder added” is displayed. If this message is not displayed,
disconnect the batteries and reconnect them after waiting 30 seconds.
The batteries are already connected.
Disconnect the batteries and reconnect them so that the sounder sends the teach-in
signal to the alarm panel.
Figure 2: Battery connector
Disconnect the batteries again to prevent the sounder activating itself. Do
exit installer
mode on the alarm panel.