5D.i Ozone Monitors
Ambient ozone monitoring equipment should be installed in the areas
where ozone is being generated or applied. (See Monitoring section
6F.) Self-adhesive ozone monitor badges, such as the Chromair System
by K&M Environmental (Virginia Beach, VA, www.kandmenvironmen-
tal.com), may be used for personal or area monitoring for exposure
times ranging from 5 minutes to 10 hours.
5D.ii Ventilation
It is mandatory that general and local exhaust ventilation be provided
to dilute and disperse small amounts of ozone into the outside atmo-
sphere. Federal, state, and local regulations must be followed.
5D.iii Emergency Procedure
Due to the short life of ozone, evacuation and ventilation are all that
is generally required in the event of a high ambient ozone alarm. All
ozone generating and delivery equipment should be shut down (man-
ually or automatically by alarm) and a high-speed fan activated
to dilute and disperse ozone into the atmosphere. Personnel should
leave the affected area until levels are returned to below 0.1ppm.
5D.iv Respiratory Protection
A disposable respirator (3M #N95 8214/8514 - Minneapolis, MN, ww-
w.3m.com) is recommended for relief against ozone levels up to 10
times the OSHA PEL or applicable government occupational exposure
limits, whichever is lower.