Absco Industries
Assembly Instruction Manual
MODEL: RG60602N2
6.00mW x 6.00mD x 3.40mH
Model: RG60602N2
Absco Sheds Storage Guidelines
• Absco Sheds are designed to be weatherproof for normal weather conditions. In the event of extreme
weather conditions such as heavy rain, combined with high wind gusts, the ridge capping, sheeting joins,
screw fi xings etc., may exhibit minor deformations which may allow some water entry. These areas should be
checked regularly to ensure that maximum strength and protection is maintained.
• Other weather conditions such as extreme heat and extreme cold, moist or dry air can infl uence the effects
of concrete fl oor moisture and/or condensation on the underside of the roof sheets.
• Absco Sheds and storage units are primarily used for storage of garden equipment such as lawnmowers,
wheelbarrows, garden tools etc. Storage items that might be adversely affected by any of the above conditions
may require additional protection such as being sealed or covered by plastic sheets and/or stacked above
the concrete fl oor on timber slats.
• Waterproof sealants may be used to offer further protection where required around joins and screw fi xings,
as can rubber door seals and other products which are available from most hardware outlets.
• Placement of waterproof sealants (silicone) between the base of the shed and concrete slab is not
recommended, as this process can have a reverse effect, preventing excess water from escaping, resulting
with water accumulating and being trapped inside the shed.
• Absco accepts no responsibility for water entry, fl oor moisture, condensation or the condition of the Contents
inside your Absco steel building arising from any of the pre-mentioned weather conditions.
6-12 Activity St, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
PO Box 119, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
AU: 1800 029 701
N Z: 0800 466 444