Quick Guide
Maybe, there are neck problems to be
solved: Moun ng screws have come loose
on a bolt neck, so that the neck moves a bit
while using the tremolo and do not come
back to ist original posi on again.
Some instruments with screwed neck show
a too large neck pocket, so the neck can
move out of the string axis sidewards. This
is a typical issue on 3 point neck assembly.
It has also happened that a standard non
dual truss rod was not ghtened, but with
a loose nut and thus did not give the neck
the necessary stability while dive bombs.
It is just as important that the sleeves for
moun ng bolt assembly are firmly seated
in the guitar body. These holes in the guitar
body normally have an undersize of approx.
0.2 to 0.3 mm regarding the outside
diameter of the sleeve. It can also happen,
that the original holes in instruments have
widened due to the string tension.
Then it
helps to close and glue the hole with a
wooden dowel and to drill it again with the
correct size.
Electrical and magne c issues:
Please always ground the tremolo system.
This is done by soldering the ground wire to
the ABM tremolo spring claw, which is
nned to accept the solder easily.
The distance between the string and the
pickup should not be too small. But why?
The magne c field of the pickup is then too
strong and the strings cannot vibrate freely.
The tone with ist harmonics and the
intona on either suffer as a result.
Valuable notes on changing strings:
A er winding up they like to be stretched
before they are ready to play. This is a
standard procedure, especially important
for tremolo guitars. You can do this by
stretching the string between your thumb
and your index and middle fingers. You do
this mul ple mes, con nuing the process
down the length of the whole string. A
prac cal tool can help you: The „String
Stretcha“ from StewMac* does this job.
In between please tune the strings again
and repeat the procedure above 3 to 4
mes un l the strings reliably hold the
tension of the tremolo springs.
Please always make sure that the tremolo
base plate is set parallel to the guitar body
top. If necessary, you increase or decrease
the tremolo spring tension, using the
adjus ng screws of the spring claw, so that
the plate "floats" in a parallel posi on to
the guitar top. So you get the best up and
down bending ac on.
If you always play the same string gauge,
the tremolo springs will adjust to the string
tension and changing strings with the same
gauge again will be much faster.
We hereby declare that ABM Guitar Parts has got no rela onship with StewMac.