When the BiWaze Clear system powers on the screen will
display the last therapy completed. Below are the components
of the therapy screen.
A. Lock icon (blue is locked and grey is unlocked)
B. Patient Name or ID (optional)
C. Therapy Modes:
Auto Mode: pressures and times are preprogrammed
Manual Mode: pressures are set and the therapy time is
controlled by the user. (Mode may be hidden)
D. WIFI allows data transmission to Arc Connect and data/time
synchronization with the BiWaze Clear control unit’s physicial
location local time zone
E. Battery status
F. Date and Time
G. Pressure Manometer (may be hidden)
H. Peak Pressure (may be hidden)
I. Progress Circles to track current phase and next phase of therapy
J. Start or Pause icon
K. Settings
L. Edit Therapy (may be hidden)
M. Therapy Time
Note: BiWaze Clear has a lock feature which can be set by the
healthcare team. When the system is locked, some therapy
components may be hidden.
Therapy Screen
A Patient Guide to BiWaze
Clear System 6