1. Outlet Turn On After Turn on UPS –
select the time to automatically
enable this outlet within the specified time when the UPS is powered on. If
“0” sec is selected, the outlet will be enabled once the UPS is powered on
2. Outlet Turn Off After AC Failure –
select this option to automatically
disable the outlet within the specified time after utility outage to shed the
less critical loads to provide longer battery back-up time for the other
more critical loads connected to the UPS.
3. Outlet Turn On After AC Recovered –
select this option to automatically
enable the outlet within the specified time after the utility is restored.
4. Outlet Turn Off When Battery Lower than -
select this option to
automatically disable the outlet at the specified remaining battery power
capacity(%) during battery mode to shed the less critical loads to prolong
battery back-up time for the other more critical loads connected to the
5. Outlet Turn Off When Overload –
select this option to automatically
disable the outlet during overload condition (bypass mode) to possibly
allow the more critical loads:
a) To be continually supplied via Bypass without shut down
6. You have to select the "Setting" menu to configure new parameters. The
calibration is confirmed successfully after the UPS beeps twice. Turn off
the UPS and unplug input power cord from AC Power Utility receptacle to
shutdown whole unit without internal power supply existing, after setting is
complete. 3 seconds later reconnect input power cord into AC Power
Utility receptacle and turn on the UPS, referring to the section 4.4
Operation. The UPS will perform in new settings.
7. Manual Control Switch – Click “On” or “Off” to manually enabled or
disabled the programmable outlets, overriding all previous settings
3.4. Communication Port Explanation
The UPS is equip with EPO dry contacts input, true RS232 & USB
Communication port as standard to provide communication with bundled UPS
monitoring software for remote monitoring of UPS status via PC.
There are 4 other optional interface cards available to meet various
communication needs, i.e. DCE (dry contact relay card)
USE and
SNMP/WEB card (Please consult Ch8).
The bundled software of the UPS is compatible with many operating systems
such as Windows 98, & 2000, ME, NT and XP. For other applications such as
Novell, NetWare, Unix, Linux, please contact your local dealer for suitable
All the communication ports (including optional cards) can be active & use
simultaneously to monitor the UPS status. However only 1 communication
interface at any one time with the highest priority has the ability to command &
control the UPS. The priority of these communication interfaces are as follow:
Highest Priority (in descending order),
1) EPO input port
2) Optional Interface card
3) USB
4) RS232
3.4.1. True RS232 Port Descriptions
The RS232 interface shall be set as follows
Baud Rate
2400 bps
Data Length
8 bits
Stop Bit
1 bit